L13: Geometric Operations with Vectors

Centroids, Distances, Combining and Dissolving, Buffers

Bogdan G. Popescu

John Cabot University


The main goals for today include:

  • Learn more about spatial funnction in the sf package
  • perform geometric calculations: areas, change units
  • calculating centroids and distances
  • making buffers and dissolving polygons
  • casting lines
  • intersecting polygons and calculating line density by polygons

Geometric Calculations

Geometric Calculations can be divided into three groups based on their output:

  • Numeric: calculating areas, length, or polygon areas
  • Logical: whether feature A intersects feature B
  • Spatial: creating polygon centroids, buffers, or intersection area

Numeric Geometric Calculations

There are several functions pertaining to the sf package that are helpful to calculate numeric geometric properties:

  • Functions applicable to individual geometries

    • st_box - to calculate the bounding box coordinates
    • st_area - to calculate the area of a feature
    • st_length - to calculate length of lines or perimeters
    • st_dimension - returns a numeric vector with 0 for points, 1 for lines, 2 for surfaces and NA for empty geometries.
  • Functions applicable to geometry pairs

    • st_distance - to calculate distance between units

Numeric Geometric Calculations

Download or copy the shape files from the previous lecture for Spain: gadm41_ESP_shp

Put them in a data folder under the relevant week.

Read the level-2 shapefiles:

#Step0: Loading libraries
#Step1: Reading Spain borders at level 0 and 2
esp0 <- st_read(dsn="./data/gadm41_ESP_shp/gadm41_ESP_0.shp", quiet = TRUE)
esp2 <- st_read(dsn="./data/gadm41_ESP_shp/gadm41_ESP_2.shp", quiet = TRUE)
#Step2: Simplifying the shapefile for easier plotting
esp0<-st_simplify(esp0, dTolerance=0.01)
esp2<-st_simplify(esp2, dTolerance=0.01)
#Step3: Selecting only one variable
esp2b<-subset(esp2, select = c("NAME_2"))

Numeric Geometric Calculations: Area

We can use st_area to calculate the area of the provinces in Spain

#Calculating the area

If we examine the first six entries, we see the following output:

Units: [m^2]
[1]  8797713021  7423953234 13774060764 12641812444 10103977438 13471380582

Meters or Square Meters are the default units for area and distance calculations.

We can convert the units objects to other type of units such as Square Kilometers

esp2b$area_sqkm<-set_units(esp2b$area, 'km^2')
Units: [km^2]
[1]  8797.713  7423.953 13774.061 12641.812 10103.977 13471.381

Numeric Geometric Calculations: Area

And here is how they compare to the original calculation:

Transformation to Square Km:

Units: [km^2]
[1]  8797.713  7423.953 13774.061 12641.812 10103.977 13471.381

Original area:

Units: [m^2]
[1]  8797713021  7423953234 13774060764 12641812444 10103977438 13471380582

Notice however that the two columns are not numeric. They are units.

You can see that using str:

 Units: [km^2] num [1:52] 8798 7424 13774 12642 10104 ...

Numeric Geometric Calculations: Area

We can make this a numeric variable in the following way:

[1]  8797.713  7423.953 13774.061 12641.812 10103.977 13471.381

We can check using the following:

 num [1:52] 8798 7424 13774 12642 10104 ...

Numeric Geometric Calculations: Area

We can map the district area by using the following steps:

#Step1: Turning multipolygons into polygons
esp0b = st_cast(esp0,"POLYGON")
#Step2: Calculating area
#Step3: Selecting the largest polygon
esp0b<-subset(esp0b, area==max(area))
#Step4: Creating a box around the polygon
bbox <- st_bbox(esp0b)

#Step5: Extracting min and max latitudes and longitudes
min_lat_y <- bbox["ymin"]
max_lat_y <- bbox["ymax"]
min_lon_x <- bbox["xmin"]
max_lon_x <- bbox["xmax"]


ggplot(esp2b, aes(fill=area_sqkm_numeric)) + 
  geom_sf() + 
  geom_sf_text(aes(label = NAME_2), colour = "white", size=2)+
  theme_void() +
    coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))+
  scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "viridis")

Numeric Geometric Calculations: Area

And here is the output:

Numeric Geometric Calculations: Distance

We can calculate the distance between two features using st_distance.

Numeric Geometric Calculations: Distance

Let’s say that we want to calculate the distance between Avila and Valencia

Numeric Geometric Calculations: Distance

To do this, we can simply do:

Step 1: Calculating centroids

# Calculating polygon centroids

This is how polygons translate into centroids

Show the code
  geom_sf(data=esp2b, color="black", fill=NA)+
      coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))

Show the code
  geom_sf(data=esp2_ctr, color="black", fill=NA)+
      coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))

Numeric Geometric Calculations: Distance

Step 2: Selecting the place of interest

place_int<-subset(esp2_ctr, NAME_2=="Valencia" | NAME_2=="Ávila")
# Numeric Geometric Calculations: Distance
dist <- st_distance(place_int)

The result is matrix of units values

Units: [m]
         [,1]     [,2]
[1,]      0.0 378268.3
[2,] 378268.3      0.0

Rows refer to origins and columns refer to destination

So the distance between Avila and Avila is 0 meters.

The distance between Avila and Valencia is 377692.8 meters

The distance between Valencia and Avila is 377692.8 meters

The distance between Valencia and Valencia is 0 meters

Numeric Geometric Calculations: Distance

We can of course calculate distances among multiple points

#Step1: Selecting the regions of interest
place_int2<-subset(esp2_ctr, NAME_2=="Valencia" | NAME_2=="Ávila" | NAME_2=="Madrid")
#Step2: Mapping centroids onto polygons
ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data= esp2b) + 
  geom_sf(data= esp2_ctr, color="black") + 
  geom_sf(data= place_int2, color="red", size=3) + 
  geom_sf_text(data=esp2_ctr, aes(label = NAME_2), colour = "black", size=2, hjust=0.5, vjust=1.5)+
  theme_void() +
    coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))

Numeric Geometric Calculations: Distance

We can of course calculate distances among multiple points

Numeric Geometric Calculations: Distance

We can now calculate the distance

# Numeric Geometric Calculations: Distance
dist <- st_distance(place_int2)

The result is matrix of units values

Units: [m]
         [,1]     [,2]     [,3]
[1,]      0.0 104415.2 378268.3
[2,] 104415.2      0.0 278746.6
[3,] 378268.3 278746.6      0.0

Numeric Geometric Calculations: Distance

The result is matrix of units values

Units: [m]
         [,1]     [,2]     [,3]
[1,]      0.0 104415.2 378268.3
[2,] 104415.2      0.0 278746.6
[3,] 378268.3 278746.6      0.0

Rows refer to origins and columns refer to destination

So the distance between Avila and Avila is 0 meters.

The distance between Avila and Madrid is 104228.0 meters

The distance between Avila and Valencia is 377692.8 meters

The distance between Madrid and Avila is 104228.0 meters

The distance between Madrid and Madrid is 0 meters

The distance between Madrid and Valencia is 278401.9 meters

And so on…

Numeric Geometric Calculations: Distance

Just like before, we can set the units to km

dist2<-set_units(dist, 'km')
Units: [km]
         [,1]     [,2]     [,3]
[1,]   0.0000 104.4152 378.2683
[2,] 104.4152   0.0000 278.7466
[3,] 378.2683 278.7466   0.0000

Numeric Geometric Calculations

Thus, we have covered examples of numeric geometric calculations

  • st_box - to calculate the bounding box coordinates
  • st_area - to calculate the area of a feature
  • st_length - to calculate length of lines or perimeters

We now move to logical geometric calculations

Logical Geometric Calculations

There are are a variety geometric calculations including:

  • st_contains_properly
  • st_contains
  • st_covered_by
  • st_covers
  • st_crosses
  • st_disjoint
  • st_equals_exact
  • st_equals
  • st_intersects
  • st_is_within_distance
  • st_overlaps
  • st_touches
  • st_within

To see more details on what they do, check out the Package ‘sf’ Manual!

Spatial Geometric Calculations

The sf package also provides common geometry operation functions

  • st_centroid
  • st_buffer
  • st_convex_hull
  • st_voronoi
  • st_sample

Spatial Geometric Calculations

Spatial Geometric Calculations

Spatial Geometric Calculations

Spatial Geometric Calculations

Spatial Geometric Calculations

Spatial Geometric Calculations: Centroids

A centroid is the geometric center of the geometry, represented by one point.

For example, we have already calculated polygon centroids

#Step1: Calculating centroids
#Step2: Mapping centroids onto polygons
ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data= esp2) + 
  geom_sf(data= esp2_ctr, color="black") + 
  geom_sf_text(data=esp2, aes(label = NAME_2), colour = "black", size=2, hjust=0.5, vjust=1.5)+
  theme_void() +
    coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))

Spatial Geometric Calculations: Centroids

A centroid is the geometric center of the geometry, represented by one point.

For example, we have already calculated polygon centroids

Spatial Geometric Calculations: Combining and Dissolving

The st_combine and st_union functions can be used to combine multiple geometries into a single geometry

st_combine combines geometries into one. st_union dissolves internal borders

We can easily see the difference below:

Show the code
esp1 <- st_read(dsn="./data/gadm41_ESP_shp/gadm41_ESP_2.shp", quiet = TRUE)
  geom_sf(data=st_combine(esp1))+theme_void() +
    coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))+

Show the code
  geom_sf(data=st_union(esp1))+theme_void() +
    coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))+


Spatial Geometric Calculations

We can also see their attribute table:

Original geometry:

head(esp1,  n=3)
Simple feature collection with 3 features and 13 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -6.473472 ymin: 35.93736 xmax: -1.630006 ymax: 38.72911
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
1 ESP.1.1_1   ESP   Spain ESP.1_1 Andalucía        NA Almería        NA
2 ESP.1.2_1   ESP   Spain ESP.1_1 Andalucía        NA   Cádiz        NA
3 ESP.1.3_1   ESP   Spain ESP.1_1 Andalucía        NA Córdoba        NA
  NL_NAME_2    TYPE_2 ENGTYPE_2 CC_2   HASC_2                       geometry
1        NA Provincia  Province   04 ES.AN.AM MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.030694 3...
2        NA Provincia  Province   11 ES.AN.CD MULTIPOLYGON (((-5.841249 3...
3        NA Provincia  Province   14 ES.AN.CO MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.248001 3...

Spatial Geometric Calculations

There are no substantial differences in terms of attributes:

st_combine geometry

head(st_combine(esp1), n=3)
Geometry set for 1 feature 
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -18.16153 ymin: 27.63736 xmax: 4.328195 ymax: 43.79153
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84

st_union geometry

head(st_union(esp1),  n=3)
Geometry set for 1 feature 
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -18.16153 ymin: 27.63736 xmax: 4.328195 ymax: 43.79153
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84

Spatial Geometric Calculations

Calculating the distance between Ávila and Valencia

#Step1: Subsetting the cities
avila <- subset(esp1, NAME_2 == 'Ávila')
valencia <- subset(esp1, NAME_2 == 'Valencia')

#Step2: Union
#This is necessary for later when we use st_combine
avila <- st_union(avila)
valencia <- st_union(valencia)

#Step3: Calculating centroids
avila_ctr = st_centroid(avila)
valencia_ctr = st_centroid(valencia)

#Step4: Calculating distance
d = st_distance(avila_ctr, valencia_ctr)
Units: [m]
[1,] 378281.9
# Converting to km
set_units(d, 'km')
Units: [km]
[1,] 378.2819

Spatial Geometric Calculations

Mapping the centers

  geom_sf(data=avila_ctr, color = "red", size=3)+
  geom_sf(data=valencia_ctr, color = "red", size=3)+
      theme_void() +
    coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))

Spatial Geometric Calculations

Mapping the centers

Spatial Geometric Calculations

We can use st_combine to transform the points into a single MULTIPOINT geometry.

st_combine is similar to st_union but only combines and does not dissolve

p <- c(avila_ctr, valencia_ctr)
p <- st_combine(p)
Geometry set for 1 feature 
Geometry type: MULTIPOINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -4.945356 ymin: 39.37033 xmax: -0.8009094 ymax: 40.57105
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84

Geometry Casting

We can use st_cast to draw a line between the two points

l = st_cast(p, 'LINESTRING')
Geometry set for 1 feature 
Geometry type: LINESTRING
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -4.945356 ymin: 39.37033 xmax: -0.8009094 ymax: 40.57105
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84

We can also visualize it:

  geom_sf(data=avila_ctr, color = "red", size=3)+
  geom_sf(data=valencia_ctr, color = "red", size=3)+
  geom_sf(data=l, color = "red")+
      theme_void() +
    coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))

Geometry Casting

We can use st_cast to draw a line between the two points

l = st_cast(p, 'LINESTRING')
Geometry set for 1 feature 
Geometry type: LINESTRING
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -4.945356 ymin: 39.37033 xmax: -0.8009094 ymax: 40.57105
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84

We can also visualize it:


Another type of operation is buffer

st_buffer calculates buffers - polygons encompassing all points up to the specified distance from a given geometry.

We can for example calculate 250km buffers around Avila and Valencia.

To be precise about our distances, we will use EPSG codes

# Transform your data to a suitable projected CRS that uses meters as units
# For example, you can use a UTM zone that covers your area of interest
# Here, I'm assuming your data is around Avila, Spain, so I'm using UTM zone 30N (EPSG:2062)
# See https://epsg.io/ and look for Spain
# You should choose an appropriate UTM zone for your data. Note that otherwise, this would be in degrees
#Step1: Using the relevant CRS to calculate distances in meters
avila_ctr_sp <- st_transform(avila_ctr, crs = 2062)
valencia_ctr_sp <- st_transform(valencia_ctr, crs = 2062)

#Step2: Creating the buffer at 250km. Note that unit is in meters: st_crs(avila_ctr_sp) - LENGTHUNIT under Datum
avila_250 = st_buffer(avila_ctr_sp, dist = 250000)
valencia_250 = st_buffer(valencia_ctr_sp, dist = 250000)

#Step3: Going back to the original crs in degrees
avila_250 <- st_transform(avila_250, crs = st_crs(esp2))
valencia_250 <- st_transform(valencia_250, crs = st_crs(esp2))


And this is how we plot the shape file for the buffers that we have just created:

  geom_sf(data=avila_ctr, color = "red", size=3)+
  geom_sf(data=valencia_ctr, color = "red", size=3)+
  geom_sf(data=avila_250, color = "red", fill=NA)+
  geom_sf(data=valencia_250, color = "red", fill=NA)+
  theme_void() +
  coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))


And this is what it looks like:

Geometry Difference from Pairs

There are four geometry-generating functions that operate on pairs of input geometries:

  • st_intersection
  • st_difference
  • st_sym_difference
  • st_union

Geometry Difference from Pairs

Geometry Difference from Pairs

Geometry Difference from Pairs

Geometry Difference from Pairs

Geometry Difference from Pairs

Geometry Difference from Pairs: union

We might be interested in the total area that is within 250km from both Anvila and Valencia

We can do this in the following way:

union_area<-st_union(avila_250, valencia_250)

  geom_sf(data=avila_ctr, color = "red", size=3)+
  geom_sf(data=valencia_ctr, color = "red", size=3)+
  geom_sf(data=union_area, color = "red", fill=NA)+
  theme_void() +
    coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))

Geometry Difference from Pairs: union

We might be interested in the total area that is within 250km from both Anvila and Valencia

We can do this in the following way:

Geometry Difference from Pairs: union

Remember that st_union can also be applied to an individual layer,

This returns a dissolved union of all geometries:

Vector layer aggregation

Sometimes, we may not want to dissolve all features into a single geometry

Sometimes, we may want to dissolve by an attribute

Vector layer aggregation

Let us assume that we did not have the polygons for provinces in Spain.

And we had instead polygons for sub-provinces.

Show the code
esp3 <- st_read(dsn="./data/gadm41_ESP_shp/gadm41_ESP_3.shp", quiet = TRUE)
  theme_void() +
  coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))

Vector layer aggregation

We can visualize all the provinces by color.

  geom_sf(data=esp3, aes(fill=NAME_2))+
  theme_void() +
  coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))

Vector layer aggregation

We can visualize all the provinces by color.

Vector layer aggregation

We can thus aggregate by NAME_2 - the variable that defines the name of the province

esp3 <- st_read(dsn="./data/gadm41_ESP_shp/gadm41_ESP_3.shp", quiet = TRUE)
esp3c<-esp3 %>% 
  group_by(NAME_2) %>% 

And then map it out:

  theme_void() +
  coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))

Vector layer aggregation

We can also aggregate by NAME_2

esp3 <- st_read(dsn="./data/gadm41_ESP_shp/gadm41_ESP_3.shp", quiet = TRUE)
esp3c<-esp3 %>% 
  group_by(NAME_2) %>% 

And then map it out:

  theme_void() +
  coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))

Vector layer aggregation

We can thus aggregate by NAME_2

esp3c<-esp3 %>% 
  group_by(NAME_2) %>% 

And then map it out:

Vector layer aggregation

Here is what non-aggregated vs. aggregated at NAME_2 level look like:

Show the code
  theme_void() +
  coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))+

Show the code
esp3c<-esp3 %>% 
  group_by(NAME_2) %>% 

  theme_void() +
  coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))+
  ggtitle("Aggregated at NAME_2 level")

Vector layer aggregation

A common operation is to calculate density of lines within polygons

For example, we would be interested in calculating density of railways within provinces

#Step1: Reading the polylines
rails <- st_read(dsn="./data/europe-railways-shape/railways_esp.shp", quiet = TRUE)

This an sf file with many rows: 6128

#Counting no. of rows
[1] 6128
#Adding a unique number for each line

Vector layer aggregation

We can see the many different disjointed lines below

Show the code
ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data=esp2) + 
  geom_sf(data=rails, aes(color=no))+
  guides(color = "none")+
  geom_sf_text(data=esp2, aes(label = NAME_2), colour = "black", size=2)+
  theme_void() +
    coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))

Vector layer aggregation

We clearly do not need that many rows. We can aggregate all our railways

#Step2: Creating a unique variable to merge all the lines

#Step3: Merging the lines
rails2 <- rails %>% 
  group_by(all) %>% 

We can now inspect the result

Show the code
ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data=esp2) + 
  geom_sf(data=rails2, aes(color=all))+
  guides(color = "none")+
  geom_sf_text(data=esp2, aes(label = NAME_2), colour = "black", size=2)+
  theme_void() +
    coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))

Vector layer aggregation

We can now perform the intersection between the polylines and the polygon

#Step4: Intersecting railroads with polygons
intersection <- st_intersection(rails2, esp2b)

The intersection has 47 observations

[1] 47

We can now inspect the result

Show the code
ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data=esp2) + 
  geom_sf(data=intersection, aes(color=NAME_2))+
  #guides(color = "none")+
  geom_sf_text(data=esp2, aes(label = NAME_2), colour = "black", size=2)+
  theme_void() +
    coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))

Vector layer aggregation

We now calculate the individual rail length per district

#Step5: Calculating individual rail length and turning it into km
intersection$indiv_rail<-set_units(intersection$indiv_rail, 'km')

#Step6: Dividing rail length by polygon area

#Step7: Saving only relevant variables
intersection2<-subset(intersection, select=c("NAME_2", "rail_density"))

#Step8: Dropping geometry

#Step9: Performing a left merge
esp2c<-left_join(esp2b, intersection2, by = c("NAME_2"= "NAME_2"))

Vector layer aggregation

We now calculate the individual rail length per district

Show the code
#Step10: Mapping
ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data=esp2c, aes(fill=rail_density)) + 
  geom_sf(data=rails2, color="red")+
  geom_sf_text(data=esp2c, aes(label = NAME_2), colour = "white", size=2)+
  theme_void() +
    coord_sf(xlim = c(min_lon_x - error, max_lon_x + error), 
           ylim = c(min_lat_y - error, max_lat_y + error))+
  scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "viridis")


We have covered a veriety of sf functions:

  • perform geometric calculations: areas, changing units
  • calculating distances
  • calculating centroids
  • making buffers and dissolving polygons
  • casting lines
  • calculating line density by polygons