Spatial Data Programming with R
Some of the learning outcomes in this course focused on:
Data Scientist/Data Analyst
GIS Analyst/GIS Specialist
Environmental Scientist
Market Research Analyst
Remote Sensing Specialist
Transportation Planner
R is also (more commonly) used in a variety of fields:
Examples of companies which use R include
was the main library that we worked with
It helped us deal with:
We performed geometric operation on rasters (pictures) with the stars
Temperature in 1901
Temperature in 2022
Temperature difference between 2022 and 1901 > 4
is the library that allows to visualize data analysis results, but also to make mapsleaflet
is a library that allows us to make interactive mapsmapview
is a wrapper around leaflet
automating the addition of: labels, popups, color scales, and common basemapsI encourage you to check out the supplementary lectures:
This project offers an opportunity to showcase the acquired skills in manipulating spatial data and conducting meaningful analyses.
Tasks for the Project:
, st_centroid
, st_area
, st_distance
, st_buffer
, st_voronoi
, st_union
, st_combine
, st_cast
, st_intersection
, st_difference
, dplyr for vector layer aggregation, st_crop
, st_rasterize
, raster::aggregate
, etc.Or
Produce some descriptive visualizations (maps, barplots, scatterplots, boxplots) that tell the same story AND make a Github website (for data, you can explore
For presentation and memo length, please peruse the examples provided.
Presentations will be on Friday, May 3rd in G.K.1.4, 09:00-11:30
Presentations should be 15 minutes.
Rehearse at least twice at home
Focus your presentation on the story
Thank you and good luck!
Popescu (JCU): Concluding Remarks